About Us

Our Story

About Us

Our Story

About Us

Our Story

Jeffrey Profitt Jr.

Owner / Head Trainer

I've always had a passion for dogs, leading me to a diverse career in law enforcement, military service, and specialized canine training. With extensive experience and education in Criminal Justice and Psychology, I've honed my skills in handling and training canines. Founding Bravo Team K9 in 2022, our mission is to provide high-quality and affordable training programs for pet owners, ensuring optimal performance from their canine companions.

Jeffrey Profitt Jr.

Owner / Head Trainer

I've always had a passion for dogs, leading me to a diverse career in law enforcement, military service, and specialized canine training. With extensive experience and education in Criminal Justice and Psychology, I've honed my skills in handling and training canines. Founding Bravo Team K9 in 2022, our mission is to provide high-quality and affordable training programs for pet owners, ensuring optimal performance from their canine companions.

Woman with her dog
Woman with her dog
Woman with her dog

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